How do I submit an expense report?
All fellows are required to submit their expense reports through FYLE.
The quick start guide is attached to this article.
A Welcome Email was sent to your AFPI email account with log in instructions.
Do I need to include receipts with the ER?
Yes. You need to include itemized receipts for all expenses, except meals and incidentals expenses (M&IE), regardless of the amount.
Do I need individual receipts for meals/Per Diem?
NO. Please use the Domestic or International Worksheet listed below and attach 1 (One) per diem expense line.
For meals and incidentals expenses (M&IE), you must include an official copy of the per diem rate from either the GSA (link is external) or US Department of State's (link is external) website.
What is the turnaround time for reimbursement?
Up to 30 days from the date we receive a completed ER.
Do I account for my travel advance on the ER?
Yes. You must include the travel advance on the ER. If you owe AAAS money you will receive a message confirming the amount and providing instructions on how to pay the amount owed in order to clear this travel advance. Please note no further advances will be provided unless the current travel advance has been cleared.
What needs to be included in my ER for a timely reimbursement?
- Training/Travel approval from Travel/Training Approval System.
- Car rental approval (if you requested this).
- Airfare receipt (even if you used Concur).
- If using comparables
- Itemized hotel folio and hotel receipt, receipts ground transportation, misc. expenses. (there must be a itemized hotel receipt)
- Printed Per Diem Rate from each locale you visited (GSA (link is external) for US travel and US Department of State (link is external) for International Travel).
- Follow the instructions provided to repay any outstanding monies from an advance.
- Proof of the exchange rate you are using if you travel internationally. ( (link is external)
- Google maps if you are asking for mileage reimbursement.
- Travel advance form, if you received a travel advance for the trip.
No receipts should reflect Alcohol or Alcohol related charges.