For your convenience, we have streamlined your online experience by moving to a new sign-in system that will now allow you use the same login information across three sites: FellowsCentral, Science, and AAAS MemberCentral.
In order to login to the new FellowsCentral, you must first activate a AAAS Identity Account. You will be prompted to do so the first time you login.
Click Login. Click the orange Login button in the top right-hand corner of the homepage. From there you will be sent to the AAAS Identity Provider site.
- Look up your Account. Click "Don't have one?" to lookup your account. Enter your AAAS Member Number or Email Address and fill in the captcha.
- Confirm your email address.
- Set your password.
After you "Look Up My Account," return to and click the orange login button again. You will either be immediately logged in because your browser remembers you from the lookup, or you will be asked to login with your new credentials. Click here to see how the login process works without the "look up" process.
TROUBLESHOOTING TIP #1: If you see an Access Denied page immediately after logging in, please refresh the page. Occasionally the cookie that is passed between the AAAS login and FellowsCentral gets confused (for lack of a better word) and the browser needs to refresh to acknowledge your login.
TROUBLESHOOTING TIP #2: If you get a red message that says "An error has occurred. Please contact the site administrator" this could mean one of two things. 1) That you need to clear your browser cache/cookies or 2) That we have incorrect login information for you in our database. Our website is comparing your login information from AAAS with our Salesforce database. If the data doesn't align, you will see that error message. Email us at and include the email address you are using to log in. We will verify this data, and if needed update our database.
TROUBLESHOOTING TIP #3: (If you are looking up your account using your AAAS Member Number, you must enter 8 digits. If your Member Number has less than 8 digits, please add zeros in front of your number. For example: 123456 needs to be entered as 00123456.)
For more information on logging in and AAAS Member help, visit this page.