Please review the instructions outlined below. Be sure to read all sections.

Begin by downloading the SOW template pdf here:

Tip: Save the pdf locally on your machine! This ensures that all changes will be saved properly.

Fellow’s Full Name: Please provide Last Name, First Name

Agency of Fellowship: Select the agency your fellowship is in from the drop down list

Vendor:  Please provide the name of the approved Coaching Services from the list found on FellowsCentral (must be logged into FellowsCentral to access)


Service Description: Please provide appropriate support items for your situation. Here are a few examples:

  • Guidance & Support
    • Providing fresh perspectives; acting as a sounding board;
    • Enhancing personal growth and building self-confidence;
    • Providing on-going support to change ingrained habits and behaviors, encouragement to stay motivated;
    • Providing reinforcement for learning;
  • Relationship Building & Collaboration
    • Developing trusting and open relationships;
    • Strategic questioning and attentive listening;
    • Collaborating to set leadership and business goals and steps for reaching them;
  • Setting Goals & Challenges
    • Challenging the person to move beyond accustomed ways of looking at issues;
    • Challenging the person to achieve more than he/she would ask of him/herself;
    • Encouraging self-discovery and generation of solutions and strategies;
  • Analysis & Feedback
    • Holding individuals responsible and accountable for achieving their leadership and business goals through coaching sessions.
  • Other
    • Managing Career Change
    • Maintaining work-life balance

Unallowable Services: Resume services, cover letter support, employment/job searches - anything related to future employment 

Coach Name (Key Personnel): First and Last Name of the coach

Goals: Please list your expectations.  Here are some examples:

Goal 1: Strategic questions and attentive listening

Goal 2: Building confidence

Goal 3: Managing career change

Timeline and Sessions: Please specify the number of sessions you expect to complete. Note the required completion dates.

Third-Party Tools: Third-Party Tools are allowed, but they must be:

  1. Independent products not associated with the vendor
  2. Limited to no more than $500 in cost
  3. Listed as a separate line on the invoice to be reimbursed

Costs: The maximum allowable coaching services charge for a single SOW is $2000, with an additional $500 allowed for third-party tools. An additional SOW is required if a fellow would like more sessions that would result in exceeding these limits.

Revisions: Any changes to the SOW, including requesting more sessions, require the submission of a new SOW.

Signature: You must sign and date the document. The vendor must sign, date, and initial all pages.

Upload your SOW document on the Travel/Training Stipend Expenditure Request form found on your dashboard in FellowsCentral. Look in the Tools and Resources box for your personal form link.

The fellow is responsible for paying the vendor for services.  Please be sure to review the terms with the vendor. You will then submit a TER for reimbursement just as you would for any other travel or training.